Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chapter 4 -- learning how to create a budget.

     Now it’s time to make the budget for the job.  First you are going to get all the prices that you got while you were going from store to store learning about all the wonderful materials and how there are installed.   If you didn’t get the prices of the materials that you need now is the time to phone or go around and get them.  It is also a good idea to find out what specialty tools that are needed and how much they are to rent.  Adding up all the materials will give you the material cost for the job but not the labour. 

Monday, February 16, 2015


                Well it is that time of year again, to start thinking about your backyard.  “Wait!” you say, there is still snow on the ground and it is only February.  The timing is actually better now so you have time to think about what you want to do.  Also if you wait too long most of the contractors are going to be busy and you might not get what you want in time to enjoy it.  The other thing that is good is that you will have the snow to draw out your ideas with, if you are in the northern hemisphere.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Chapter 3 ----- learning about the project

     With the expanded list that we made in the first chapter we are going to learn about each step that needs to be taken.  We do this so when you speak to the contractor and make a contract with him you know what is going on, what steps are being taken and to make sure there are no unwanted short cuts being taken. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

How to Hire a Contractor -- Chapter 2 Making a list and expanding on it.

      Okay so you want to renovate a room, build a deck or something along those lines, let us get started.  First you need to figure out what you want to do, it is that simple.  Let us say for example you want to give your family room a make-over.  This is where the check list starts, basically start by sitting back and deciding what you want to change starting from the floor up.