Friday, January 30, 2015

How To Hire a Contractor.

    Welcome to The Wood Worker where we will be discussing tips, tricks and giving advice. 

     For our first series we are going to discuss is how to hire a contractor (but you already knew that since that is what the title of the post says).  Yes I know there are several blogs and books on this subject and I have read them, well okay skimmed them. 
Most really don’t help much in actually helping you with the right chose, they just slam and make assumptions on the types of contractors.  In this blog series we are going to go through the whole process from where to start, to hiring and to working with the contractor.  I will also go over why those books are incorrect in their assumptions.

      Hiring a contractor is not that hard or scary (at least it shouldn’t be).  Yes I know I have read and heard all the horror stories out there from the media.  What you need to remember is the media is just trying to sell papers or stories to make money and the "evil" contractors are an easy target.   I have been in this business for more than 10 years and I can tell you there are just as many stories of not so nice clients out there that try and bamboozle (wow that is a real word that word 2013 recognizes) the contractor.  Really it is just a matter of educating yourself and knowing what is involved, what the process is, and how to communicate what you want and need.   That is what this blog will do.  I will be writing on specific jobs later, this is just a general book t
hat can span most jobs.

      Now when you read this keep in mind I have a warped sense of humor and it might come through in my blog.  This book will teach you how to plan and organize the execution of the contractor, I mean contract that is between you and the evil doer (the contractor) that is doing the work for you.  We will also examine what to do if parts of the contract are not getting done, what to do in case of mistakes (contractors are human to, I think), and how to make changes.

      I will not be getting into laws or legal parts (that be lawyer talk ya know).  Nor will I be discussing building codes since they differ from one municipality to another.  

Watch for our next installment of this series next Wednesday.

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